Kennecott Copper Corporation Machine Shop offers small size and historic charm
In 1916 the Kennecott Copper Corporation erected a machine shop as part of an expansion of facilities that took place between 1915 and 1918. Over time, the machine shop was expanded to include other functions, but continued to be the site of both planned maintenance and emergency repairs. [1]
When the Kennecott mines closed in 1938 the equipment in the machine shop was salvaged with many of the tools going to The Golden Zone Mine just south of the present boundaries of Denali National Park and Preserve.

[1]In 1998 the National Park service began to document the historic buildings of the Kennecott National Historic Landmark for the Historic American Buildings Survey and Historic American Engineering Record. Program director was Blaine Cliver, chief of HABS/HAER and Robert L. Arnberger, Alaska regional director of the National Park Service. Documentation was carriet out under the general direction of Steven M. Peterson, senior historical architect; Chris Houston and Laura Houston, historical architectural interns with the Alaska support office; Mark Schara, Naomi Hernanez and Holly Lott, HABS architects; and Jet Lowe, HAER photographer. The entire survey can be found in the Library of Congress call number HAER AK-1-G