The East Broad Top Railroad established train service to Saltillo in 1874, however the station building was not constructed until 1892. It was modified in 1908-1909. Its current configuration dates to 1913 when new concrete foundations were added to support the floors of the freight, passenger, and office sections of the building, a bay window was added, and the roof peak raised to enlarge the attic.

The small town generated little passenger or freight traffic, so the main activities were train operations. Coal trains descending from the mines at Robertsdale stopped for water and to check equipment, and locomotives could be turned on the wye track, and station agents could get orders to the crews.

The Saltillo station recording project was conducted in 2003 by the Friends of the East Broad Top, Henry F. Inman, president. Drawings were delineated by historical architect John R. Bowie, A.I.A. Henry F. Inman prepared the historical text and provided oversight to the project. The project was completed as part of the Historical American Engineering Record, a project of the National Park Service. More information can be found in the Library of Congress, survey number PA-634.